For B2B Cyber & SaaS Companies:

For B2B Cyber & SaaS Companies:

For B2B Companies:

We create scalable and reliable B2B
cold email systems that generate qualified enterprise bookings.

We create scalable and reliable B2B customer acquisition systems that deliver 7 figure enterprise clients.

If you cannot book meetings reliably, you have a stagnating business. We create B2B cold email systems grounded in age-old psychological principles, designed to deliver results regardless of the industry, service offering, or time of year.

If you cannot book meetings reliably, you have a stagnating business. We create B2B cold email systems grounded in age-old psychological principles, designed to deliver results regardless of the industry, service offering, or time of year.

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Trusted To Deliver 7-Figure Results

Trusted To Deliver 7-Figure Results

A track record of qualified bookings.
What's better than that?

"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want"

- Zig Ziglar

The psychology of asset based selling.

When was the last time someone approached you with a service offer, and you immediately decided to commit and take advantage of what they proposed? Likely never. So, don't anticipate others will act that way towards your proposition. Provide your prospects with value upfront, and only afterwards seek something in return.

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New prospects don't know you.

They don't know you, trust you or like you. Always remember that most think they don't need what you are offering.

Start it off simple.

Asking to get on a call straight away is like asking someone to marry them on the first date - it's not gonna happen. Offer the prospect something before pitching a call.

Offer value first.

Instead of asking for a call straight away, why not make them trust you first? Prove your competence, then pitch them. Offer an asset to establish trust first.

Make them feel stupid saying "No".

If you offer a valuable asset with no strings attached, why would they say no? They've got nothing to lose.

Show yourself, establish trust.

Don't be afraid to get in front of the camera, show off your company and make every conversation feel personal.

Now ask for the meeting.

Once they’ve seen your asset,now they trust you,and believe you are competent. At this point you can make them an offer to have a book a call will and they will say yes.

Building the outbound system is the easiest part of the equation.

Building the outbound system is the easiest part of the equation.

Building the outbound system is the easiest part of the equation.

  • Setting up a cold email system is straightforward.

    But that’s just the beginning.

Setting up a cold outbound system is straightforward. But that’s just the beginning.

  • Keeping it running means constant testing, tweaking, and improving. It’s not enough to just send out emails.

Keeping it running means constant testing, tweaking, and improving. It’s not enough to just send out messages.

  • Securing meetings takes time, skill, and the ability to truly engage with people.

Securing meetings takes time, skill, and the ability to truly engage with people.

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Running a cold outbound system is not easy.

Running a cold outbound system is not easy.

Time is precious. Maintaining the system and handling responses can become a full-time job.

Time is precious. Maintaining the system and handling responses can become a full-time job.

It’s easy to slip up if you’re not sure what works, leading to costly mistakes.

It’s easy to slip up if you’re not sure what works, leading to costly mistakes.

Sorting out system issues can distract you from the core activities of your business.

Sorting out system issues can distract you from the core activities of your business.

Our Process

Our Process

Here's how we do it


We determine who you want to target.

We determine who you want to target.

First we need to figure out who you want to be targeting. We analyze your past clients, and work with you to determine an ideal client profile.

First we need to figure out who you want to be targeting. We analyze your past clients, and work with you to determine an ideal client profile.


We start building the lists.

We start building the lists.

We actively use 52 different databases which give us access to 1.76 billion different leads. We start building search queries to find the contact information of your ideal client profile.

We actively use 52 different databases which give us access to 1.76 billion different leads. We start building search queries to find the contact information of your ideal client profile.


We segment the list into smaller lists.

We segment the list into smaller lists.

Instead of approaching the list with a blanket approach, we create subsegments, to ensure we reach every lead with a relevant and compelling offer that seems personalized.

Instead of approaching the list with a blanket approach, we create subsegments, to ensure we reach every lead with a relevant and compelling offer that seems personalized.


We work with you on creating a compelling offer.

We work with you on creating a compelling offer.

There is a lot of noise in the market right now. Everyone is offering the same thing. We help you stand out and create market resonance.

There is a lot of noise in the market right now. Everyone is offering the same thing. We help you stand out and create market resonance.


We determine what channels to use to reach your list.

We determine what channels to use to reach your list.

We usually have several options on how to reach the people on a list. Whether through email or DMs, we weigh our options, and decide.

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We start the outreach and offer free value.

We start the outreach and offer free value.

The first part of our outreach funnel is always offering some sort of value. We get people interested, and treat our emails like lead magnets.

The first part of our outreach funnel is always offering some sort of value. We get people interested, and treat our emails like lead magnets.

Why Forge?

Why Forge?

Let's Compare Your Options

Let's Compare Your Options

Let's Compare Your Options

Hiring a Sales Rep

Marketing Agency

Do it Yourself

Do it Yourself

Time to get results

10 - 14 Days

3 Months

4-6 Weeks

3-6 Months

Failure rate

Highly Unlikely



Extremely High


Based on performance

+$3000/month + commission

+$5000 + media buying budget

$3000 for software & tools + time wasted

$3000 for software & tools + time wasted


Very Rarely



Questions? Answers.

Here are some questions that might be on your mind. If you have any further questions, feel free to schedule a call with us!

What's the price?

What if the lead isn't qualified?

How quickly do we see results?

What will be needed from us?

Is there a guarantee?

What's the price?

What if the lead isn't qualified?

How quickly do we see results?

What will be needed from us?

Is there a guarantee?

Still on the fence?

Still on the fence?

Lets schedule a free outbound audit. We're going to discuss your business, customer acquisition & bounce ideas about outreach. Worst case scenario you get 30 minutes of free advice. Best case scenario we get you tons of enterprise meetings booked into your calendar.

Lets schedule a free outbound audit. We're going to discuss your business, customer acquisition & bounce ideas about outreach. Worst case scenario you get 30 minutes of free advice. Best case scenario we get you tons of enterprise meetings booked into your calendar.

Book a Discovery Call

Forge Outbound 2024. All rights Reserved.

Forge Outbound 2024. All rights Reserved.

Forge Outbound 2024. All rights Reserved.